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Bases: BinaryPQLOperator

Concatenate operator that concatenates the left operand with the right operand.

Applies CONCAT operator to column.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str

Returns query string.


Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

Length operator that returns len of string.

Applies LEN operator to column.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

Lower operator that returns string in lower case.

Applies LOWER operator to column.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

Upper operator that returns string in upper case.

Applies UPPER operator to column.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

LStrip operator that returns the string with leading whitespace removed.

Applies LTRIM operator to column.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

RStrip operator that returns the string with trailing whitespace removed.

Applies RTRIM operator to column.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

Strip operator that returns the string with leading and trailing whitespace removed.

Applies RTRIM operator and LTRIM operator to column.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


ReplaceOperator(operand, to_replace, value)

Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

Replace operator that replaces the given string with the given value.

Applies REPLACE operator to column.


is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


SubstringOperator(operand, start=None, stop=None)

Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

Substring operator that returns substring.

Applies SUBSTRING operator to column.


  • operand (Union[ScalarValue, PQLOperator]) –

    Operand of which substring is taken.

  • start (Optional[int]) –

    Start of substring.

  • stop (Optional[int]) –

    End of substring.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


StringIndexOperator(operand, index)

Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

String index operator that returns character at given index.

Applies SUBSTRING operator to column.


  • operand (Union[ScalarValue, PQLOperator]) –

    Operand of which substring is taken.

  • index (int) –

    Index of character to extract.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean: bool = False

query_string property

query_string: str


StartsWithOperator(operand, pattern)

Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

StartsWith operator that returns whether string starts with given pattern.

Applies LIKE operator to column.


  • operand (Union[ScalarValue, PQLOperator]) –

    Operand of which substring is taken.

  • pattern (str) –

    Pattern for which is searched.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean = True

query_string property

query_string: str


EndsWithOperator(operand, pattern)

Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

EndsWith operator that returns whether string ends with given pattern.

Applies LIKE operator to column.


  • operand (Union[ScalarValue, PQLOperator]) –

    Operand of which substring is taken.

  • pattern (str) –

    Pattern for which is searched.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean = True

query_string property

query_string: str


ContainsOperator(operand, pattern)

Bases: UnaryPQLOperator

Contains operator that returns whether string contains given pattern.

Applies LIKE operator to column.


  • operand (Union[ScalarValue, PQLOperator]) –

    Operand of which substring is taken.

  • pattern (str) –

    Pattern for which is searched.

is_boolean class-attribute instance-attribute

is_boolean = True

query_string property

query_string: str