Pulling Data from an Analysis¶
In this tutorial, you will learn how to extract data from an OLAP table within an analysis. More specifically, you will learn:
- How to connect to the EMS
- How to get and Interact with a studio analysis object
- How to get and interact with an OLAP table object
- How to get and interact with data pool and data model objects
- How to extract the data
To follow this tutorial, you should have PyCelonis installed and should know how to perform basic interactions with PyCelonis objects. If you don't know how to do this, please complete the Celonis Basics tutorial first. Further, it would be helpful to already have the previously mentioned assets inside your EMS. Please refer to the Studio - Introduction and Data Integration - Data Export tutorials for an overview of working with each asset type.
1. Import PyCelonis and connect to Celonis API¶
from pycelonis import get_celonis
celonis = get_celonis()
[2023-01-31 21:23:56,693] INFO: Initial connect successful! PyCelonis Version: 2.0.1
2. Get the analysis object, content, and data model ID¶
Option #1: Find objects by name¶
space = celonis.apps.get_spaces().find('Space_Name_Here')
package = space.get_packages().find('Package_Name_Here')
analysis = package.get_analyses().find('Analysis_Name_Here')
content = package.get_analysis(analysis.id).get_content()
data_model_id = content.data_model_id
Option #2: Find objects by ID (for Optimization)¶
space = celonis.apps.get_space('Space_ID_Here')
package = space.get_package('Package_ID_Here')
analysis = package.get_analysis('Analysis_ID_Here')
content = analysis.get_content()
data_model_id = content.data_model_id
3. Get the analysis sheet object¶
Option #1: Find analysis sheet by name¶
sheets = content.draft.document.components
sheet = sheets.find('Sheet_Name_Here')
Option #2: Find Find Analysis Sheet by ID (for Optimization)¶
sheets = content.draft.document.components
sheet = sheets.find_by_id('Sheet_ID_Here')
4. Get the OLAP table component and query¶
Option #1: Find table by title¶
components = sheet.components
component = components.find('Table_Title_Here')
Option #2: Find table by ID (for Optimization)¶
components = sheet.components
component = components.find_by_id('Component_ID_Here')
Get the table query¶
query = component.get_query()
PQL(columns=[ PQLColumn(name='#{CEL_O2C_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DATA.ACTIVITY_EN}', query='"CEL_O2C_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DATA"."ACTIVITY_EN"'), PQLColumn(name='#{CEL_O2C_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DATA.LEVEL}', query='"CEL_O2C_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DATA"."LEVEL"'), PQLColumn(name='#{CEL_O2C_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DATA.TIMESTAMP}', query='"CEL_O2C_ACTIVITY_MASTER_DATA"."TIMESTAMP"') ], filters=[], order_by_columns=[], distinct=False, limit=None, offset=None)
5. Get the data pool and data model objects¶
Option #1: Find data pool and data model objects by name¶
data_pool = celonis.data_integration.get_data_pools().find('Data_Pool_Name_Here')
data_model = data_pool.get_data_model(data_model_id)
Option #2: Find data pool and data model objects by ID (for Optimization)¶
# Use the data pool id (found in the data pool URL) to optimize your script
data_pool = celonis.data_integration.get_data_pool('Data_Pool_ID_Here')
data_model = data_pool.get_data_model(data_model_id)
6. Query the data model¶
[2023-01-31 21:26:09,097] INFO: Successfully created data export with id 'c4624b81-48c9-406b-9ae6-c27b26fa5e44' [2023-01-31 21:26:09,099] INFO: Wait for execution of data export with id 'c4624b81-48c9-406b-9ae6-c27b26fa5e44'
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
[2023-01-31 21:26:09,174] INFO: Export result chunks for data export with id 'c4624b81-48c9-406b-9ae6-c27b26fa5e44'
0 | Pass Credit | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
1 | Record Goods Issue | Header | VBFA.ERDAT + VBFA.ERZET |
2 | Change Plant | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
3 | Clear Invoice | Custom | BKPF.CPUDT + BKPF.CPUTM |
4 | Cancel Goods Issue | Header | VBFA.ERDAT + VBFA.ERZET |
5 | Create Intercompany credit memo | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
6 | Change Delivery Block | Header | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
7 | Change Inco Terms (Part 2) | Header | None |
8 | Create Debit memo | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
9 | Change Inco Terms (Part 1) | Header | None |
10 | Create Shipment | Custom | LIPS.ERDAT + LIPS.ERZET |
11 | Clear Credit Memo | Custom | BKPF.CPUDT + BKPF.CPUTM |
12 | Change Price | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
13 | Change Route | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
14 | Create Sales Order Item | Item | VBAB.ERDAT + VBAB.ERZET |
15 | Change Shipping Type | Header | None |
16 | Create Picking | Header | LIKP.KODAT + LIKP.KOUHR |
17 | Create Purchase Order | Header | VBFA.ERDAT + VBFA.ERZET |
18 | Create Credit memo | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
19 | Cancel Reason for Rejection | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
20 | Create Invoice canceled | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
21 | Create Pro forma invoice | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
22 | Set Delivery Block | Header | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
23 | Sales Order Released | Custom | None |
24 | Create Intercompany invoice | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
25 | Remove Delivery Block | Header | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
26 | Create Returns delivery for order | Custom | LIPS.ERDAT + LIPS.ERZET |
27 | Change Material Availability Date | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
28 | Set Reason for Rejection | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
29 | Change Requested Delivery Date | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
30 | Create Quotation | Header | VBAB.ERDAT + VBAB.ERZET |
31 | Create Delivery | Custom | LIPS.ERDAT + LIPS.ERZET |
32 | Set Credit Hold | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
33 | Release Credit Hold | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
34 | Change Delivery Amount | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
35 | Change Material | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
36 | Material Availability Date passed | Custom | VBEP.MBDAT + VBEP.MBUHR |
37 | Change Confirmed Delivery Date | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
38 | Change Reason for Rejection | Item | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
39 | Create Sales Order | Custom | None |
40 | Create Invoice | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
41 | Change Confirmed Goods Issue Date | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
42 | Change Requested Quantity | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
43 | Record Return Goods Receipt | Custom | VBFA.ERDAT + VBFA.ERZET |
44 | Quotation Released | Custom | None |
45 | Change Payment Terms | Header | None |
46 | Create Credit memo canceled | Custom | VBRP.ERDAT + VBRP.ERZET |
47 | Change Requested Goods Issue Date | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
48 | Change Confirmed Quantity | Custom | CDHDR.UDATE + CDHDR.UTIME |
Congratulations! You have learned how to connect to the EMS, get and Interact with a studio analysis object, get and interact with an OLAP table object, get and interact with data pool and data model objects, and extract the data.