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Version 2.0.2

  • [Fix] Fix resolve query function for published analyses without variables
  • [Fix] Set default of follow_redirects to true for client to automatically follow redirects
  • [Improvement] Updated documentation and tutorials
  • [Improvement] Added additional examples to API reference
  • [Improvement] Improved error message when pushing invalid dataframe using data push job

Version 2.0.1

  • [Fix] Fixed parsing of custom objects in knowledge model
  • [Fix] Fixed creating tables within data connection by passing data_source_id parameter
  • [Fix] Improved logging for data_pool.create_table() method
  • [Add] Support for translated name attribute in PQLColumns for analysis components

Version 2.0.0

PyCelonis 2.0.0 is a complete redesign PyCelonis with improved user experience, performance, and stability. It is not backwards compatible with PyCelonis 1.X.X.

The new features of PyCelonis 2.0 include: - New interfaces aligned with the EMS navigation: apps, data integration, studio, ...

  • Performance improvements for API calls

  • Improved error handling and logging

  • Explicit update and sync operations to improve performance

  • Improved semantics for data upload

  • Additional features for PQL handling

  • Streamlined data export through data model

  • Clearer separation between Studio and Apps

  • Removal of redundant APIs

  • A consistent interface for classes and methods

For more information on the differences between PyCelonis 1.X and 2.X and how to migrate existing scripts to 2.X, check out the migration tutorial.