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KPI (KnowledgeModelPQLColumn)

A KPI in a Knowledge Model.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class KPI(KnowledgeModelPQLColumn):
    """A KPI in a Knowledge Model."""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        s = ", ".join(f"{v}: {getattr(self, v)}" for v in ["id", "pql"] if getattr(self, v))
        return f"<KPI, {s}>"


Helper class to evaluate kpis in a PQL string.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class KPIEvaluator:
    """Helper class to evaluate kpis in a PQL string."""

    KPI_NAME_REGEX = r"""(KPI[ \s]*\([A-Za-z_0-9, "'{}$\s]+\))"""

    def _extract_kpi_substrings(pql_string: str) -> typing.List[str]:
        """Returns all KPI substrings from PQL query (e.g. KPI("TEST_KPI"))"""
        return re.findall(KPIEvaluator.KPI_NAME_REGEX, pql_string)

    def _clean_kpi_substring(kpi_substring):
        kpi_substring = kpi_substring.strip()
        kpi_substring = kpi_substring[3:].strip()  # Remove "KPI"
        kpi_substring = kpi_substring[1:-1].strip()  # Remove brackets
        return kpi_substring

    def _extract_kpi_names_and_parameter_values(
        kpi_substrings: typing.List[str],
    ) -> typing.Tuple[typing.List[str], typing.List[typing.List[str]]]:
        """Returns names and parameters for all KPIs present in a KPI substring
        E.g. for KPI("TEST", "PARAM1") it would return ['TEST'], [['PARAM1']]
        kpi_substrings_clean = [KPIEvaluator._clean_kpi_substring(k).split(",") for k in kpi_substrings]

        names = [m[0].strip().replace('"', "").replace("'", "") for m in kpi_substrings_clean]
        parameter_values = [[p.strip() for p in m[1:]] for m in kpi_substrings_clean]
        return names, parameter_values

    def _replace_kpis(pql_string: str, kpis_processed: typing.Dict[str, KPI]) -> str:
        kpi_substrings = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_substrings(pql_string)
        kpi_names, kpi_parameter_values = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_names_and_parameter_values(kpi_substrings)

        for kpi_substring, kpi_name, kpi_parameter_value in zip(kpi_substrings, kpi_names, kpi_parameter_values):
            pql_string = KPIEvaluator._replace_single_kpi_substring(
                pql_string, kpi_substring, kpi_name, kpi_parameter_value, kpis_processed
        return pql_string

    def _replace_single_kpi_substring(
        pql_string: str,
        kpi_substring: str,
        kpi_name: str,
        kpi_parameter_values: typing.List[str],
        kpis_processed: typing.Dict[str, KPI],
    ) -> str:
        if kpi_name not in kpis_processed:
            raise PyCelonisValueError(f"KPI {kpi_name} PQL does not exist in knowledge model.")

        # Replace KPI string in PQL
        kpi_replacement = kpis_processed[kpi_name]
        kpi_replacement_str = kpi_replacement.pql

        # Replace KPI parameters with values
        if kpi_replacement.parameters:
            for i, parameter in enumerate(kpi_replacement.parameters):
                replacement = parameter.get("defaultValue", None)

                # If parameter given in KPI call use this instead of default
                if i < len(kpi_parameter_values):
                    replacement = kpi_parameter_values[i]

                if replacement is not None:
                    kpi_replacement_str = kpi_replacement_str.replace(f"{{p{i+1}}}", str(replacement))

        pql_string = pql_string.replace(kpi_substring, kpi_replacement_str)
        return pql_string

    def _evaluate_single_kpi(kpi: KPI, kpis_processed: typing.Dict[str, KPI], kpi_dict: typing.Dict[str, KPI]):
        kpi_substrings = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_substrings(kpi.pql)
        kpi_names, _ = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_names_and_parameter_values(kpi_substrings)

        if in kpis_processed:
            # KPI already computed. No need to do anything
            return kpis_processed[]

        if not kpi_names:
            # KPI does not contain nested KPIs and can just be returned
            kpis_processed[] = kpi
            # KPI contains nested KPIs which need to be evaluated first
            unresolved_kpis = [kpi_dict[name] for name in kpi_names]

            # Recursively evaluate unresolved kpis needed for the current one
            for k in unresolved_kpis:
                KPIEvaluator._evaluate_single_kpi(k, kpis_processed, kpi_dict)

            # Replace kpis of current kpi with evaluated unresolved kpis
            kpi.pql = KPIEvaluator._replace_kpis(kpi.pql, kpis_processed)
            kpis_processed[] = kpi

    def evaluate_kpis(pql_string: str, kpis: CelonisCollection[KPI]) -> str:
        """Evaluates the KPIs in a PQL string.

            pql_string: PQL to be evaluated.
            kpis: Collection of Knowledge Model KPIs to be processed.

            Evaluated PQL string.
        kpis_processed: typing.Dict[str, KPI] = {}
        kpi_dict = { k for k in kpis}

        # Get needed KPIs for pql_string
        kpi_substrings = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_substrings(pql_string)
        kpi_names, _ = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_names_and_parameter_values(kpi_substrings)

        # Evaluate KPIs recursively
        for kpi_name in kpi_names:
            if kpi_name not in kpi_dict:
                raise PyCelonisValueError("KPI does not exist!")
            KPIEvaluator._evaluate_single_kpi(kpi_dict[kpi_name], kpis_processed, kpi_dict)

        # Replace KPIs in pql_string with evaluated form
        evaluated_pql_string = KPIEvaluator._replace_kpis(pql_string, kpis_processed)
        return evaluated_pql_string

evaluate_kpis(pql_string, kpis) staticmethod

Evaluates the KPIs in a PQL string.


Name Type Description Default
pql_string str

PQL to be evaluated.

kpis pycelonis.celonis_api.base_objects.celonis_data_objects.CelonisCollection[]

Collection of Knowledge Model KPIs to be processed.



Type Description

Evaluated PQL string.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
def evaluate_kpis(pql_string: str, kpis: CelonisCollection[KPI]) -> str:
    """Evaluates the KPIs in a PQL string.

        pql_string: PQL to be evaluated.
        kpis: Collection of Knowledge Model KPIs to be processed.

        Evaluated PQL string.
    kpis_processed: typing.Dict[str, KPI] = {}
    kpi_dict = { k for k in kpis}

    # Get needed KPIs for pql_string
    kpi_substrings = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_substrings(pql_string)
    kpi_names, _ = KPIEvaluator._extract_kpi_names_and_parameter_values(kpi_substrings)

    # Evaluate KPIs recursively
    for kpi_name in kpi_names:
        if kpi_name not in kpi_dict:
            raise PyCelonisValueError("KPI does not exist!")
        KPIEvaluator._evaluate_single_kpi(kpi_dict[kpi_name], kpis_processed, kpi_dict)

    # Replace KPIs in pql_string with evaluated form
    evaluated_pql_string = KPIEvaluator._replace_kpis(pql_string, kpis_processed)
    return evaluated_pql_string

KnowledgeModel (Node)

Knowledge Model object to interact with Celonis Studio API.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class KnowledgeModel(Node):
    """Knowledge Model object to interact with Celonis Studio API."""


    def __init__(self, parent, celonis, id_or_data):
        super().__init__(parent, celonis, id_or_data)
        self.static = True

        self._content = None

        if isinstance(id_or_data, str):
            r = celonis.api_request(parent.package_nodes_url)
            data = [
                for data in r
                if data['nodeType'] == 'ASSET' and data['assetType'] == 'SEMANTIC_MODEL' and data['id'] == id_or_data
            if len(data) == 0:
                raise ValueError(f"ID not found: {id_or_data}.")

            data = data[0]
            data = id_or_data

        self._url_final = f'{self.celonis.url}/semantic-layer/api/layer/{data["rootNodeKey"]}.{data["key"]}/final'

    def content(self) -> typing.Dict:
        """Get content of the Knowledge Model as raw dict.
        Content is loaded form final endpoint to also obtain content of a possible base model.
        Content is loaded from endpoint if initial load or `self.static = False`.

        !!! api "API"
            - `POST: /semantic-layer/api/layer/{root_node_key}.{key}/final`
                    "withVariableReplacement": False,
                    "withAutogeneratedDataModelData": False

            Content as Dictionary.
        if self._content is None or self.static is False:  # Load content from final endpoint
            data = self.celonis.api_request(
                self._url_final, message={"withVariableReplacement": True, "withAutogeneratedDataModelData": True}
            self._content = yaml.load(data["yamlObject"], Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        return self._content

    def draft(self) -> 'KnowledgeModelDraft':
        """Obtain a draft of this knowledge model to edit content.
        Draft is designed to behave similarly to the UI YAML edit mode.

            PyCelonisValueError: Draft is allowed with static=False (eager loading).

            Editable draft version of this Knowledge Model.
        if self.static:
            raise PyCelonisValueError("Draft is not allowed for static Knowledge Models, set static=False first.")
        data =  # Load from package-manager endpoint
        return KnowledgeModelDraft(self.parent, self.celonis, data, self)

    def custom_objects(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
        """Returns custom objects of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.

            List of custom objects.
        content = self.content
        if "customObjects" not in content:
            return []

        return content["customObjects"]

    def kpis(self) -> 'CelonisCollection[KPI]':
        """Get all KPIs of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.

            A Collection of KPIs.
        content = self.content
        if "kpis" not in content:
            return CelonisCollection([])

        return CelonisCollection([KPI(self, kpi) for kpi in content["kpis"]])

    def filters(self) -> 'CelonisCollection[KnowledgeModelPQLFilter]':
        """Get all Filters of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.

            A Collection of Filters.
        content = self.content
        if "filters" not in content:
            return CelonisCollection([])

        return CelonisCollection([KnowledgeModelPQLFilter(self, f) for f in content["filters"]])

    def variables(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
        """Get all Variables of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.

            List of variables
        content = self.content
        if "variables" not in content:
            return []

        return content["variables"]

    def records(self) -> 'CelonisCollection[Record]':
        """Get all Records of knowledge model and its base model in case of an extension.

            A Collection of Records.
        content = self.content
        if "records" not in content:
            return CelonisCollection([])

        return CelonisCollection([Record(self, k) for k in content["records"]])

content: Dict property readonly

Get content of the Knowledge Model as raw dict. Content is loaded form final endpoint to also obtain content of a possible base model. Content is loaded from endpoint if initial load or self.static = False.


  • POST: /semantic-layer/api/layer/{root_node_key}.{key}/final
        "withVariableReplacement": False,
        "withAutogeneratedDataModelData": False


Type Description

Content as Dictionary.

custom_objects: List[Dict] property readonly

Returns custom objects of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.


Type Description

List of custom objects.

draft: KnowledgeModelDraft property readonly

Obtain a draft of this knowledge model to edit content. Draft is designed to behave similarly to the UI YAML edit mode.


Type Description

Draft is allowed with static=False (eager loading).


Type Description

Editable draft version of this Knowledge Model.

filters: CelonisCollection[KnowledgeModelPQLFilter] property readonly

Get all Filters of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.


Type Description

A Collection of Filters.

kpis: CelonisCollection[KPI] property readonly

Get all KPIs of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.


Type Description

A Collection of KPIs.

records: CelonisCollection[Record] property readonly

Get all Records of knowledge model and its base model in case of an extension.


Type Description

A Collection of Records.

variables: List[Dict] property readonly

Get all Variables of the Knowledge Model and its base model in case of an extension.


Type Description

List of variables

KnowledgeModelDraft (Node)

Knowledge Model Draft object to interact with Celonis Studio API.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class KnowledgeModelDraft(Node):
    """Knowledge Model Draft object to interact with Celonis Studio API."""

    def __init__(self, parent, celonis, id_or_data, km: KnowledgeModel):
        super().__init__(parent, celonis, id_or_data) = km

            "Connect to knowledge model",
                "tracking_type": "STUDIO",

    def content(self) -> typing.Dict:
        """Get/Set the Content of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.

            Content of Knowledge Model.
        # Content is loaded from package-manager endpoint here.
        return yaml.load(["serializedContent"], Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

    def content(self, value: typing.Dict):
        data =
        data["serializedContent"] = yaml.dump(value, sort_keys=False) = data

    def custom_objects(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
        """Get/Set Custom Objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.

            List of custom objects
        content = self.content
        if "customObjects" not in content:
            content["customObjects"] = []
            self.content = content

        return content["customObjects"]

    def custom_objects(self, value: typing.List[typing.Dict]):
        content = self.content
        content["customObjects"] = value
        self.content = content

    def add_custom_object(self, id: str, display_name: str, custom_attributes: typing.Dict = None):
        """Adds a Custom Object to the Knowledge Model.

            id: ID of the Custom Object.
            display_name: Display name used to display the Custom Object.
            custom_attributes: Attributes of the Custom Object.

            PyCelonisValueError: If 'id' is not set or already exists.
            PyCelonisValueError: If 'display_name' is not set.
        if not id:
            raise PyCelonisValueError("Argument 'id' needs to be set for each custom object.")
        if not display_name:
            raise PyCelonisValueError("Argument 'display_name' needs to be set for each custom object.")

        custom_objects = self.custom_objects
        if id in [co["id"] for co in custom_objects]:
            raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Custom Object with id {id} already exists.")

        custom_object: typing.Dict = {"id": id, "displayName": display_name}
        if custom_attributes:
            custom_object["customAttributes"] = custom_attributes
        self.custom_objects = custom_objects

    def remove_custom_object(self, id: str):
        """Removes a Custom Object from the Knowledge Model by ID.

            id: ID of the Custom Object.
        custom_objects = self.custom_objects
        updated_custom_objects = [co for co in custom_objects if co["id"] != id]

        if len(updated_custom_objects) == len(custom_objects):
            raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Custom Object with id {id} does not exist.")

        self.custom_objects = updated_custom_objects

    def kpis(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
        """Get/Set KPI objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.

            List of KPIs.
        content = self.content
        if "kpis" not in content:
            content["kpis"] = []
            self.content = content

        return content["kpis"]

    def kpis(self, value: typing.List[typing.Dict]):
        content = self.content
        content["kpis"] = list(value)
        self.content = content

    def filters(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
        """Get/Set Filter objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.

            List of Filters.
        content = self.content
        if "filters" not in content:
            content["filters"] = []
            self.content = content

        return content["filters"]

    def filters(self, value: typing.List[typing.Dict]):
        content = self.content
        content["filters"] = list(value)
        self.content = content

    def variables(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
        """Get/Set Variable objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.

            List of variables
        content = self.content
        if "variables" not in content:
            content["variables"] = []
            self.content = content

        return content["variables"]

    def variables(self, value: typing.List[typing.Dict]):
        content = self.content
        content["variables"] = list(value)
        self.content = content

    def records(self) -> typing.List[typing.Dict]:
        """Get/Set Record objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.

            List of records
        content = self.content
        if "records" not in content:
            content["records"] = []
            self.content = content

        return content["records"]

    def records(self, value):
        content = self.content
        content["records"] = list(value)
        self.content = content

    def add_record(
        id: str,
        display_name: str,
        identifier: typing.Dict[str, str] = None,
        pql: str = None,
        filter_ids: typing.List[str] = None,
        attributes: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None,
        """Adds a Record object to the Knowledge Model.

            id: ID of the Record.
            display_name: Display name used to display the Record.
            identifier: Identifier of the Record.
            pql: PQL of the Record.
            filter_ids: Filter IDs of the Record.
            attributes: Attributes of the Record.

        records = self.content.get("records", [])
        if id in [rec["id"] for rec in records]:
            raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Record with id {id} already exists.")
        record = {
            "id": id,
            "displayName": display_name,
            "identifier": identifier if identifier else {},
            "pql": pql if pql else "",
            "filterIds": filter_ids if filter_ids else [],
            "attributes": attributes if attributes else [],
        self.records = records

    def remove_record(self, id: str):
        """Removes the Record from the Knowledge Model by ID.

            id: ID of the Record.
        records = self.content.get("records", [])
        if not records:
            raise PyCelonisNotFoundError("No records found in knowledge model.")
        updated_records = [rec for rec in records if rec["id"] != id]
        if len(records) == len(updated_records):
            raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Record with id {id} does not exist.")
        self.records = updated_records

content: Dict property writable

Get/Set the Content of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.


Type Description

Content of Knowledge Model.

custom_objects: List[Dict] property writable

Get/Set Custom Objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.


Type Description

List of custom objects

filters: List[Dict] property writable

Get/Set Filter objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.


Type Description

List of Filters.

kpis: List[Dict] property writable

Get/Set KPI objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.


Type Description

List of KPIs.

records: List[Dict] property writable

Get/Set Record objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.


Type Description

List of records

variables: List[Dict] property writable

Get/Set Variable objects of the Knowledge Model, excluding a possible base model.


Type Description

List of variables

add_custom_object(self, id, display_name, custom_attributes=None)

Adds a Custom Object to the Knowledge Model.


Name Type Description Default
id str

ID of the Custom Object.

display_name str

Display name used to display the Custom Object.

custom_attributes Dict

Attributes of the Custom Object.



Type Description

If 'id' is not set or already exists.


If 'display_name' is not set.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
def add_custom_object(self, id: str, display_name: str, custom_attributes: typing.Dict = None):
    """Adds a Custom Object to the Knowledge Model.

        id: ID of the Custom Object.
        display_name: Display name used to display the Custom Object.
        custom_attributes: Attributes of the Custom Object.

        PyCelonisValueError: If 'id' is not set or already exists.
        PyCelonisValueError: If 'display_name' is not set.
    if not id:
        raise PyCelonisValueError("Argument 'id' needs to be set for each custom object.")
    if not display_name:
        raise PyCelonisValueError("Argument 'display_name' needs to be set for each custom object.")

    custom_objects = self.custom_objects
    if id in [co["id"] for co in custom_objects]:
        raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Custom Object with id {id} already exists.")

    custom_object: typing.Dict = {"id": id, "displayName": display_name}
    if custom_attributes:
        custom_object["customAttributes"] = custom_attributes
    self.custom_objects = custom_objects

add_record(self, id, display_name, identifier=None, pql=None, filter_ids=None, attributes=None)

Adds a Record object to the Knowledge Model.


Name Type Description Default
id str

ID of the Record.

display_name str

Display name used to display the Record.

identifier Dict[str, str]

Identifier of the Record.

pql str

PQL of the Record.

filter_ids List[str]

Filter IDs of the Record.

attributes List[Dict[str, str]]

Attributes of the Record.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
def add_record(
    id: str,
    display_name: str,
    identifier: typing.Dict[str, str] = None,
    pql: str = None,
    filter_ids: typing.List[str] = None,
    attributes: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None,
    """Adds a Record object to the Knowledge Model.

        id: ID of the Record.
        display_name: Display name used to display the Record.
        identifier: Identifier of the Record.
        pql: PQL of the Record.
        filter_ids: Filter IDs of the Record.
        attributes: Attributes of the Record.

    records = self.content.get("records", [])
    if id in [rec["id"] for rec in records]:
        raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Record with id {id} already exists.")
    record = {
        "id": id,
        "displayName": display_name,
        "identifier": identifier if identifier else {},
        "pql": pql if pql else "",
        "filterIds": filter_ids if filter_ids else [],
        "attributes": attributes if attributes else [],
    self.records = records

remove_custom_object(self, id)

Removes a Custom Object from the Knowledge Model by ID.


Name Type Description Default
id str

ID of the Custom Object.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
def remove_custom_object(self, id: str):
    """Removes a Custom Object from the Knowledge Model by ID.

        id: ID of the Custom Object.
    custom_objects = self.custom_objects
    updated_custom_objects = [co for co in custom_objects if co["id"] != id]

    if len(updated_custom_objects) == len(custom_objects):
        raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Custom Object with id {id} does not exist.")

    self.custom_objects = updated_custom_objects

remove_record(self, id)

Removes the Record from the Knowledge Model by ID.


Name Type Description Default
id str

ID of the Record.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
def remove_record(self, id: str):
    """Removes the Record from the Knowledge Model by ID.

        id: ID of the Record.
    records = self.content.get("records", [])
    if not records:
        raise PyCelonisNotFoundError("No records found in knowledge model.")
    updated_records = [rec for rec in records if rec["id"] != id]
    if len(records) == len(updated_records):
        raise PyCelonisValueError(f"Record with id {id} does not exist.")
    self.records = updated_records


A PQL in a Knowledge Model.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class KnowledgeModelPQL:
    """A PQL in a Knowledge Model."""

    def __init__(self, knowledge_model: KnowledgeModel, data: typing.Dict):
        self.knowledge_model = knowledge_model = data
        self._name = data["id"] = data["id"]
        self.pql = data["pql"]
        self.description = data["description"] if "description" in data else None
        self.parameters = data["parameters"] if "parameters" in data else None

        self._supported_parameters = ["id", "displayName", "pql", "parameters", "type", "description", "attributes"]

    def query(self) -> str:  # type: ignore
        """Get the PQL query of the Knowledge Model object."""
        return KPIEvaluator.evaluate_kpis(self.pql, self.knowledge_model.kpis)

    def query(self, value):

    def _check_supported_parameters(self):
        not_supported_keys = [key for key in if key not in self._supported_parameters]
        if not_supported_keys:
                f"Parameters {', '.join(not_supported_keys)} currently not taken into account by pycelonis for "
                f"PQL generation"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        s = ", ".join(f"{v}: {getattr(self, v)}" for v in ["id", "pql"] if getattr(self, v))
        return f"<KnowledgeModelPQL, {s}>"

query: str property writable

Get the PQL query of the Knowledge Model object.

KnowledgeModelPQLColumn (KnowledgeModelPQL, PQLColumn)

A PQL Column in a Knowledge Model.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class KnowledgeModelPQLColumn(KnowledgeModelPQL, PQLColumn):  # type: ignore
    """A PQL Column in a Knowledge Model."""

    def __init__(self, knowledge_model: KnowledgeModel, data: typing.Dict):
        KnowledgeModelPQL.__init__(self, knowledge_model=knowledge_model, data=data)
            self, name=data["id"], format=None, sorting_index=None, sorting_direction=None, not_included=False

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        s = ", ".join(f"{v}: {getattr(self, v)}" for v in ["id", "pql"] if getattr(self, v))
        return f"<KnowledgeModelPQLColumn, {s}>"

KnowledgeModelPQLFilter (KnowledgeModelPQL, PQLFilter)

A PQL Filter in a Knowledge Model.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class KnowledgeModelPQLFilter(KnowledgeModelPQL, PQLFilter):  # type: ignore
    """A PQL Filter in a Knowledge Model."""

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        s = ", ".join(f"{v}: {getattr(self, v)}" for v in ["id", "pql"] if getattr(self, v))
        return f"<KnowledgeModelPQLFilter, {s}>"

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.query)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.query)

Record (PQL)

A Record in a Knowledge Model.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class Record(PQL):
    """A Record in a Knowledge Model."""

    def __init__(self, knowledge_model: KnowledgeModel, data: typing.Dict):
        self.knowledge_model = knowledge_model
        self._name = data["id"] = data["id"]
        self.pql = data.get("pql", "")
        self.display_name = data.get("displayName", "")
        self.attributes = CelonisCollection(
            [KnowledgeModelPQLColumn(self.knowledge_model, k) for k in data["attributes"]]
        if "identifier" in data:
            self.identifier = KnowledgeModelPQLColumn(self.knowledge_model, data["identifier"])

            self.columns = self.attributes + [self.identifier]  # type: ignore
            self.columns = self.attributes  # type: ignore

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        s = ", ".join(f"{v}: {getattr(self, v)}" for v in ["id", "attributes", "identifier"] if getattr(self, v, None))
        return f"<Record, {s}>"


Helper class to evaluate variables in a PQL string.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
class VariableEvaluator:
    """Helper class to evaluate variables in a PQL string."""


    @deprecated("Variables are now automatically replaced in knowledge model.")
    def evaluate_variables(pql_string: str, variables: typing.List[typing.Dict]) -> str:
        """Evaluates the variables in a PQL string.

            pql_string: PQL to be evaluated.
            variables: List of Knowledge Model variables to be processed.

            Evaluated PQL string.
        previous_pql_string = None

        for i in range(VariableEvaluator.MAX_RECURSION):
            if previous_pql_string == pql_string:
                return pql_string  # No changes done in last iteration -> All variables replaced

            # Replace Variables
            previous_pql_string = pql_string
            for v in variables:
                pql_string = pql_string.replace(f"${{{v['id']}}}", str(v['value']))

        raise ValueError(
            f"Could not evaluate variables in PQL {pql_string}. Maximum depth for nested variables is "

evaluate_variables(pql_string, variables) staticmethod

Evaluates the variables in a PQL string.


Name Type Description Default
pql_string str

PQL to be evaluated.

variables List[Dict]

List of Knowledge Model variables to be processed.



Type Description

Evaluated PQL string.

Source code in celonis_api/studio/
@deprecated("Variables are now automatically replaced in knowledge model.")
def evaluate_variables(pql_string: str, variables: typing.List[typing.Dict]) -> str:
    """Evaluates the variables in a PQL string.

        pql_string: PQL to be evaluated.
        variables: List of Knowledge Model variables to be processed.

        Evaluated PQL string.
    previous_pql_string = None

    for i in range(VariableEvaluator.MAX_RECURSION):
        if previous_pql_string == pql_string:
            return pql_string  # No changes done in last iteration -> All variables replaced

        # Replace Variables
        previous_pql_string = pql_string
        for v in variables:
            pql_string = pql_string.replace(f"${{{v['id']}}}", str(v['value']))

    raise ValueError(
        f"Could not evaluate variables in PQL {pql_string}. Maximum depth for nested variables is "