Version 1.7.7¶
- [Fix] Fixed error logging to show full error stack trace
Version 1.7.6¶
- [Fix] Updated backoff factor policy to use at least backoff factor of 0.5
Version 1.7.5¶
- [Fix] Remove scipy and sklearn dependencies
Version 1.7.4¶
- [Fix] Improve error message for disabled data export
Version 1.7.3¶
- [Deprecation] Deprecation of data model reload from cache
- [Fix] Fix for celonis.packages function
- [Deprecation] Deprecation of celonis.packages function
Version 1.7.2¶
- [Deprecation] Removed Root Cause Analysis
- [Fix] Fixed get column configuration function for tables located within schema
- [Enhancement] Added possibility to specify authorization key type using environment variable
- [Enhancement] Improved error message for uplinked data models
- [Enhancement] Allow chunking on get_dataframe calls for analysis components
Version 1.7.1¶
- [Fix] Only apply retries when total_retry > 0
- [Fix] Fixed bug in Datamodel for download_name_mapping function
- [Fix] Fixed bug in Analysis for rebuild_content_from_backup function
- [Fix] Fixed knowledge model parsing for records without identifier
- [Fix] Return table alias instead of source name for Datamodel foreign keys
- [Fix] Fixed data push on empty pool for large data frames that require chunking
- [Enhancement] Added info log when environment variables are used for authorization
Version 1.7.0¶
- [Breaking Change] CelonisCollection.find(id_or_name: typing.Union[str, int] -> str)
- [Enhancement] Stricter type checking
- [Enhancement] Support for LONG VARCHAR vertica column types
- [Enhancement] Includes error logs for failed Data Push Jobs
- [Fix] Fixed bug in Studio package delete
- [Fix] Fixed bug in Analysis get_data_frame
Version 1.6.1¶
- [Enhancement] Support Python 3.10
- [Enhancement] Optionally skip initial connect and permissions output
- [Fix] Fixed bug for Pool rebuild from backup
- [Fix] Fixed bug for deprecated 'celonis_url' on get_celonis when environment variable available
Version 1.6.0¶
- [New Feature] New PyCelonis error types
- [Enhancement] Improved logging and customer support tracking
- [Enhancement] Updated documentation
- [Enhancement] Changed Knowledge Model to read-only, added editable draft, changed content-loading to final endpoint to load base-model content more efficiently.
- [Fix] Now it is possible to add the same pool table to a datamodel under different aliases using add_table_from_pool.
- [Fix] Fixed bug with commented-out queries
- [Fix] Fixed bug of uninitialized Celonis attribute "_threaded"
- [Fix] Fixed bug of NoSuchProcess if (unrelated) process died during search for jupyter process
- [Fix] Fixed knowledge model variable evaluation for nested variables
Version 1.5.14¶
- [Fix] Fixed bug for robust data push/pull
- [Fix] Fixed bug when base knowledge model is located in store
Version 1.5.13¶
- [Fix] Fixed bug in workspace.datamodel attribute
- [Fix] Fixed bug for accessing attributes of studio folder
Version 1.5.12¶
- [Fix] Fixed bug in create_transformation_parameter
- [Fix] Fixed bug in usage of repeated use of same column configuration
Version 1.5.11¶
- [Fix] Improved stability of data model reloads
- [Enhancement] Added static property for each EMS object. If object.static is set, object is not updated when accessing properties
- [Fix] Made knowledge models static. Thus, changes are not pulled from EMS after initializing knowledge model. If this behaviour is desired set knowledge_model.static=False or call knowledge_model.reset_state() to get the newest state
- [Fix] Fixed bug in create_extraction_parameter
Version 1.5.10¶
- [Fix] fix PQL filter for cases where filter contains String 'filter'
- [New Feature] data can now be downloaded in chunks from analysis (requires: use datamodel permissions) via .get_data_frame(...,chunked_download=True)
Version 1.5.9¶
- [Enhancement] Record attributes can be selected using record.find("attribute_id")
- [Fix] get_column_config now returns the true field length (before it was divided by 4).
- [Fix] field length specified in column_config now is same as in pool (before it was multiplied by 4).
- [Fix] Enable extension of knowledge model from other package
Version 1.5.8¶
- [Fix] Fixed unnecessary SettingWithCopyWarning
- [Old Feature] Removed simulation module
Version 1.5.7¶
- [Fix] Fixed support for records without pql attribute
- [New Feature] added example notebook of how to use IBM Watson with Celonis to api tutorials
- [Enhancement] Improved Explanations in the root cause analysis notebook
Version 1.5.6¶
- [Enhancement] PQLDebugger uses PQL engine endpoints now for query verification
- [Enhancement] Added Studio spaces to documentation template
Version 1.5.5¶
Minor release, 2021-06-11
- [Fix] fix bug where datamodels.find() did not work in case of hybrid pools in the team
- [Fix] fix custom objects for knowledge model extensions
- [Fix] improved performance for knowledge model extension
- [New Feature] default activity table of a datamodel can now be accessed and set via datamodel.default_activity_table
- [New Feature] added PQLDebugger class to debug PQL queries
- [New Feature] Studio: Records can be added and removed from a knowledge model via add_record, remove_record methods of KnowledgeModel class.
Version 1.5.4¶
Minor release, 2021-05-28
- [Fix] Make studio api compatible to studio spaces
- [Enhancement] Chunked Data Pulling: Big queries are now chunked automatically with optimal chunk size.
- [New Feature] Data Deduplication: ValueFuzzy now also finds turners in numbers.
- [Fix] Data Deduplication: Fixed Overflow error in DateFuzzy comparer.
- [Fix] PyCelonis now works in teams without process analytics.
- [New Feature] Support for extended knowledge models
- [New Feature] Added studio analysis to tutorial
- [Fix] Improved datamodel foreign key handling
- [New Feature] Simulation: Plots and descriptive statistics for process modeling and simulation now available.
- [New Feature] Simulation: Automatic resource extraction (both pools and number of members) when user_id is provided.
- [Enhancement] Simulation: Improve processing times estimation when start times not available (enter user_id for better estimation).
- [Enhancement] Simulation: Improve enabling times estimation (now probabilistic).
- [Fix] Simulation: Cap distribution fitting to the last 10000 points (for performance).
Version 1.5.3¶
Minor release, 2021-04-21
- [New Feature] Added support of Studio Analysis.
- [New Feature] Knowledge Model KPIs and Records can now be used as PQLColumns.
- [New Feature] New Anomaly Detection demo notebook in api tutorials (Celosphere Demo).
- [Fix] Improved Duplicate Checking Algorithm, now also possible to use custom comparers.
Version 1.5.2¶
Minor release, 2021-02-15
- [New Feature] Data Deduplication: Checkout the new Invoice Deduplication Capability of PyCelonis under Duplicate Invoice Checker.
- [Fix] Fixed compatibility issues with python 3.6.
- [Fix] Fixed chunked data extraction.
Version 1.5.1¶
Minor release, 2021-02-09
- [New Feature] Data Deduplication: Checkout the new Data Deduplication Capability of PyCelonis under Data Deduplication.
- [New Feature] API to Celonis Studio: Find out how to leverage PyCelonis for working on the Celonis Studio. Refer to Working with the Celonis Studio to learn about the new functionality.
- [New Feature] Chunked data export (needed for parquet exports > 1 GB)
- [New Feature] pool.get_column_config(table): This function allows querying columns + column type of pool tables for up to 99 columns. This also infers the schema of the existing tables automatically while upsertig, replacing or appending new data into existing tables.
- [New Feature] Celonis Root Cause Analysis: Checkout the new Celonis Root Cause Analysis.
Version 1.5.0¶
Major release, 2020-12-21
- New Feature: Process Simulation Capability. Checkout the new Process Simulation Capabilities of PyCelonis under Business Process Simulation.
- Deprecation of pool.push_table, refer to Pushing data to Data Pool to learn about the new functionality.
- Deprecation of datamodel.push_table for IBC. Refer to Adding data to Data Model to learn about the new functionality.
- Tutorial notebooks can now be imported via
from pycelonis.notebooks import api_tutorial
. - Changed default behaviour: Non-existing Data Pool tables cannot be appended or upserted.
Version 1.4.1¶
Minor release, 2020-09-30
- Increase status query speed
- Fix CPM4 datamodel reload issues in push_table function
- Fix push table issues in IBC
Version 1.4.0¶
Major release, 2020-09-08
- Extended CelonisCollection.find() method to improve search results.
- Fix for inconsistencies pulling data from components (set: ignore_name_mapping=True in component.get_data_frame).
- Change default value of 'fuzzy' argument to False in CelonisCollection.find() to decrease chances of wrong behaviour.
- Backups of analyses now also contain and restore images.
- Improve append and upsert when pushing tables into data pool.
- Changed default behaviour of workspace.create_analysis. If name and backup_content given, new analysis will be named name, else name of backup_content.
- Global management of readtimeout of requests now possible via: get_celonis(..., timeout=120).
- Improved logging upon faulty api requests.
Version 1.3.3¶
Minor release, 2020-06-22
- Fixed print issue
- Backup of analyses now allowing special characters in names
- Pycelonis now tells you if a new version is available
- Improved Documentation
Version 1.3.2¶
Minor release, 2020-06-08
- Partial Reload on datamodel tables
- Improved Documantation
- New function: datamodel get_data_frame (direct query to datamodel)
- Fix various bugs
- Querying the datamodel and the analyses in read_only mode
Version 1.2.0¶
Major release, 2019-12-04
- Parse URLs to get objects directly
- Works without ujson now
- Make find functions fuzzy
- Improve docs
- Fix various bugs
Version 1.1.9¶
Minor release, 2019-10-18
- Improve logging
- Added features related to data pushing and pulling
Version 1.1.8¶
Minor release, 2019-10-18
- Fix various bugs related to pushing and pulling data
- Allow parquet files to be saved with indexes
- Added enabling/disabling transformation functionality
- Execute transformations and data jobs
Version 1.1.0¶
Minor release, 2019-08-29
- Fix various bugs related to pushing and pulling data
- Added option to overwrite tables from CPM4 transports with Parquet tables
- Added option to connect read-only
- Added many Event Collection objects
- Run SQL queries on Data Pools
Version 1.0¶
Major release, 2019-08-02
- Connect to CPM4 or IBC
- Pull/push data
- Interact with objects like analysis, datamodel, data pool (IBC), workspace (IBC), project (CPM4), folder (CPM4)