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Attachment (CelonisApiObjectChild)

Attachment object to interact with Celonis Studio API.

url: str property readonly


  • /package-manager/api/attachments/{attachment_id}

configuration: Dict property writable

Get/Set the Attachment Configuration.


Type Description

Attachment Configuration.

name: str inherited property writable

Name of the object via data['name'] if available.

data inherited property writable

Response data from the Celonis API. If static is set to False, every time you set the data property will execute a POST request to the resource API endpoint to update the remote resource in Celonis EMS.


o = celonis.<api-service>.find("<name or ID")

# This will execute a `POST` request to '<celonis_url>/<api-service>/api/...'["name"] = "New Name"

key: str inherited property writable

Key of the object via data['key'] if available.

reset_state(self) inherited

Resets data = None. This will force a reload of the remote resource from Celonis EMS on the next property access.

delete(self) inherited

Executes a DELETE request to the resource API endpoint to delete the remote resource in Celonis EMS.

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