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CelonisApiObject (CelonisDataObject)

Implementation of CelonisDataObject providing the Celonis API endpoint and storing the response data.


Name Type Description Default
celonis Celonis

Base object to interact with Celonis Execution Management System (EMS) API.

id_or_data Union[str, Dict]

ID or data of the Celonis resource object.

static bool
  • True (static): data is only set once and never updated on Celonis EMS (therefore read-only).
  • False (dynamic): Executes a POST request to the resource API endpoint to update the data in Celonis EMS every time you set the data property.

url: str property readonly

Absolut URL pointing to a Celonis resource via Celonis API.

name: str inherited property writable

Name of the object via data['name'] if available.

data property writable

Response data from the Celonis API. If static is set to False, every time you set the data property will execute a POST request to the resource API endpoint to update the remote resource in Celonis EMS.


o = celonis.<api-service>.find("<name or ID")

# This will execute a `POST` request to '<celonis_url>/<api-service>/api/...'["name"] = "New Name"

key: str inherited property writable

Key of the object via data['key'] if available.


Resets data = None. This will force a reload of the remote resource from Celonis EMS on the next property access.


Executes a DELETE request to the resource API endpoint to delete the remote resource in Celonis EMS.

CelonisApiObjectChild (CelonisApiObject)

Implementation of CelonisApiObject to model hierarchical structure.


Name Type Description Default
parent Union[celonis_api.base_objects.celonis_api_objects.CelonisApiObject, str]

The parent object. Can be an object of the class of the parent or the ID of the parent object.

id_or_data Union[str, Dict]

ID or data of the Celonis resource object.

celonis Celonis

Base object to interact with Celonis Execution Management System (EMS) API.


url: str inherited property readonly

Absolut URL pointing to a Celonis resource via Celonis API.

name: str inherited property writable

Name of the object via data['name'] if available.

data inherited property writable

Response data from the Celonis API. If static is set to False, every time you set the data property will execute a POST request to the resource API endpoint to update the remote resource in Celonis EMS.


o = celonis.<api-service>.find("<name or ID")

# This will execute a `POST` request to '<celonis_url>/<api-service>/api/...'["name"] = "New Name"

key: str inherited property writable

Key of the object via data['key'] if available.

reset_state(self) inherited

Resets data = None. This will force a reload of the remote resource from Celonis EMS on the next property access.

delete(self) inherited

Executes a DELETE request to the resource API endpoint to delete the remote resource in Celonis EMS.

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